
You can embed Ziggeo via both HTML and JavaScript, and all parameters can be used both ways.

The timelimit parameter, for instance, allows you to limit the recording time folks have.

Via HTML, you need to prefix all parameters with *ziggeo-:

   <ziggeorecorder ziggeo-timelimit="10">

Via JavaScript, you use the parameters without any prefix:

  new ZiggeoApi.V2.Player({
    attrs: {
      timelimit: 10

For more information on the different methods of embedding Ziggeo, read more here.

  1. Presentational parameters 54/54

    All of the parameters that affect the presentation of your embeddings

    These parameters might change how something is handled however they are first and foremost going to change the presentational aspect of your embedding.

  2. aspectratio [ float ]
    Define aspect ratio of container The aspect ratio will be used when only width or only height is defined.
  3. maxheight [ int ]
    Maximum height of the embedding (in pixels)
  4. maxwidth [ int ]
    Maximum width of the embedding (in pixels)
  5. minheight [ int ]
    Default current: 240 Minimum height of the embedding (in pixels)
  6. minwidth [ int ]
    Default current: 320 Minimum width of the embedding (in pixels)
  7. posterfitstrategy [ string ]
    Default current: crop Define how poster image should fit inside container
    • crop Crop the sides of poster image so that it fits inside container with different aspect ratio
    • pad Pad the sides of poster image so that it fits iniside container with different aspect ratio
    • original Keep original resolution of poster image, do not upscale or downscale to fit container. It can be cropped or padded depending on the size
    It can be cropped, padded or maintain original resolution
  8. sticky [ bool ]
    Stick video to the screen when it scrolls out of view The sticky video can be moved around by the user so it doesn't block content from the page.
  9. videofitstrategy [ string ]
    Default current: pad Define how video should fit inside container
    • crop Crop the sides of the video so that it fits inside container with different aspect ratio
    • pad Pad the sides of the video so that it fits inside container with different aspect ratio
    • original Keep original resolution of the video, do not upscale or downscale to fit container. It can be cropped or padded depending on the size
    It can be cropped, padded or maintain original resolution
  10. audio-transcription-as-subtitles [ bool ]
    Default current: false Show audio transcription as subtitles (if available)
  11. autorecord [ bool ]
    Default current: false (try to) start the recording as soon as the embedding is shown Start recording automatically as the embedding shows or as soon as camera access is granted
  12. countdown [ int ]
    Default current: 3 Countdown before recording starts (default is 3 seconds, 0 to disable) Set countdown before actual recording starts. As such, once 'record' is hit, countdown will start -- and then actual recording begins once countdown reaches zero. Allows time for individuals to get ready for actual recording.
  13. display-timer [ bool ]
    Default current: true Show timer to user Remove any distractions by hiding the recording time. And get insight into recording time without limits.
  14. early-rerecord [ bool ]
    Default current: false Early re-recording Let individuals cancel any uploading or processing of recordings so re-recording can begin immediately.
  15. faceoutline [ bool ]
    Default current: false Shows outline of face in recorder Indicate placement of face in recorder by adding face outline; it appears during recording only and not in final video.
  16. flip-camera [ bool ]
    Default current: false Flip camera horizontally This enables a mirrored screen which allows for natural orientation during recording. Note: videos are saved in original orientation for easy review.
  17. flipscreen [ bool ]
    Default current: false Toggle screen flipping when you are doing a screen-recording
  18. gallerysnapshots [ int ]
    Default current: 3 Maximum number of snapshots shown This is the maximum number of snapshots to be shown after recording on the single page. This determines if there will be multiple pages of snapshots shown, or only a single one.
  19. height [ int ]
    Default current: 480 Height of embedding This is the height of the embedding itself. It will not impact the recording resolution. Use true number or number with % for variable width. Please do not add any other text behind the number (px or alike).
  20. hidebarafter [ int ]
    Default current: 5000 Inactivity period in milliseconds Tells the embedding how long to wait before hiding the controls
  21. hideoninactivity [ bool ]
    Default current: true Hide controls on inactivity Hides the controls of the embedding if the activity was not present for a specific amount of time. This includes the activity from mouse as well as keyboard.
  22. hidevolumebar [ bool ]
    Default current: false Hides volume bar
  23. localplayback [ bool ]
    Default current: false Show the preview of the video after recording the same Allows you to show the preview while the video is being uploaded in the background (WebRTC only)
  24. multistreamdraggable [ bool ]
    Default current: true Allow dragging of stream-in-stream
  25. multistreamresizeable [ bool ]
    Default current: false Allow resizing of stream-in-stream
  26. multistreamreversable [ bool ]
    Default current: true Allow reversability of stream-in-stream
  27. nofullscreen [ bool ]
    Default current: false Disable fullscreen capabilities in video player
  28. picksnapshots [ bool ]
    Default current: true Allow selection of snapshots Let user pick covershots. Disabling this option will make the system automatically selects cover shot.
  29. pickcovershotframe [ bool ]
    Default current: false Allow user to pick any frame as covershot Let user pick any frame from video to use as covershot, as opposed to selecting from snapshots gallery.
  30. popup [ bool ]
    Default current: false Player pops up after clicking play
  31. popup-height [ int ]
    Default current: auto Height of popup
  32. popup-stretch [ bool ]
    Default current: false Allow the popup player to stretch and fill out the full width of the area that it has been given.
  33. popup-width [ int ]
    Default current: auto Width of popup
  34. poster [ string ]
    Link to image that should be used as poster The image that is pointed to will be shown with the play icon when embedding loads and before the video is played. This will usually be using image from our server, however you can override it using this parameter and show your own
  35. primaryrecord [ bool ]
    Default current: true Make recording primary option
  36. sharevideo [ array ]
    Default current: auto Show share buttons for social networks
    • facebook Allow your video to be shared on Facebook
    • twitter Allow your video to be shared on Twitter
    • gplus Allow your video to be shared on Google Plus
    Supported values: 'facebook', 'twitter', 'gplus'
  37. showduration [ bool ]
    Default current: false Shows duration of the video before the playback starts Instead of waiting for video to start, your video duration is shown on the image itself
  38. showsettings [ bool ]
    Default current: true Allow user to change player settings, like playback speed
  39. skipinitial [ bool ]
    Default current: false Disable initial screen of recorder Want to enable camera preview immediately so video recording can begin? Note: permission for camera access may still be required.
  40. skipinitialonrerecord [ bool ]
    Default current: false Disable initial screen of recorder when re-recording Want to enable camera preview immediately so video recording can begin? Note: permission for camera access may still be required.
  41. skipseconds [ int ]
    Default current: 5 Keyboard left / right key shortcut to seek video This parameter allows you to set up how many seconds you want to use for the keyboard left and keyboard right keys to skip the video. This operates like seek(current playback time + time you set to skip).
  42. snapshotmax [ int ]
    Default current: 15 Maximum number of snapshots of the recorded video to be collected
  43. stream-height [ int ]
    Default current: 480 Specify optimal stream video height for player (optional)
  44. stream-width [ int ]
    Default current: 640 Specify optimal stream video width for player (optional)
  45. stretch [ bool ]
    Default current: false Allow the player to stretch and fill out the full width of the area that it has been given. Great option for mobile responsiveness as it will resize itself to match the size of the element that it is embedded into. It may cause your video to seem cut off if the size of the embedding does not match the resolution of the video
  46. theme [ string ]
    Default current: default Sets the theme of player and recorder V2 embeddings can be styled manually and with a theme. Themes allow you to quickly switch between various styles with a single parameter value. Follow next link to see all video player and recorder themes
  47. themecolor [ string ]
    Sets the theme color of player and recorder Currently includes red, green and blue.
  48. tracktags [ array ]
    Set the player to show subtitles from your own servers.
    • lang ISO 2 letter representation for language like 'en' for English
    • kind Always set as 'subtitles'.
    • label How the language is shown, for example 'English'.
    • src Direct link to a .vtt file on your (or any other) server, as long as it can be reached by anyone.
    Accepts .vtt subtitle file format and it is an array of objects. objects are made out of different parameters you need to pass.
  49. tracktagsstyled [ bool ]
    Default current: true Show subtitles in Ziggeo created style If you set it to false every browser will have its own style shown which will create different UX, so we suggest to leave it on default.
  50. visualeffectvisible [ bool ]
    Default current: true Sets the visual effects on or off
  51. fullscreenmandatory [ bool ]
    Default current: false Allow fullscreen on devices where custom controls are not supported
  52. picksnapshotmandatory [ bool ]
    Default current: false User has to pick snapshot
  53. showsettingsmenu [ bool ]
    Default current: true As a property show/hide settings from users
  54. showplayersettingsmenu [ bool ]
    Default current: true As a property show/hide after recorder player settings from users
  55. width [ int ]
    Default current: 640 Width of embedding This is the width of the embedding itself. It will not impact the recording resolution. Use true number or number with % for variable width. Please do not add any other text behind the number (px or alike).
  1. Media Management parameters 28/28

    All of the parameters that help you manage what happens with your media

    The following parameters will help you change or get certain workflows to happen. They will offer you ways to manage what is to happen to media that you or your visitors/customers/clients can see.

    Just the same they offer you ways for something to happen behind the scenes.

  2. audiobitrate [ int ]
    Default current: auto Overwrite the audio bitrate in kbs
  3. auto-crop [ bool ]
    Default current: false Automatically crop videos When set on recorder, videos will be automatically cropped as needed. As such, top and bottom could be cut off if too large; same with width. Depends on video resolution.
  4. auto-pad [ bool ]
    Default current: false Automatically pad videos When set on recorder, videos will be automatically padded on the top and bottom and/or left and right. This will make your recorder auto pad the videos on top and bottom or left and right. As such, instead of cutting video, padding will be added to fill out required parts.
  5. custom-covershots [ bool ]
    Default current: false Allow user to upload any image to use as covershot For the best look of your custom snapshots it is best that the image chosen is either the same resolution as your recording or higher. picksnapshots must be true (it already is by default) to be able to use this parameter.
  6. effect-profile [ array ]
    If applied to recorder, specifies all effect profiles that should be applied; if applied to player, specifies the prefered effect profile Different effects may be applied — streams are created with each effect profile indicated in recorder embedding. When particular effects are specified in the video player, such effects are played. (assuming effect was set during recording — if no such effect was originally set, it would not be available afterwards).
  7. default-fallback [ bool ]
    Default current: false
  8. enforce-duration [ bool ]
    Default current: false Reject videos that are too long instead of auto-cropping them Rather than cropping video to fit desired time frame (the default state), videos will be rejected.
  9. framerate [ int ]
    Default current: 25 Set the number of frames that should be captured in a single second. 24 frames is least to have fluid movement. Lower framerate will result in strange movement. Above 30 needs to be supported by camera to actually make a difference in video, however higher numbers will always result in larger video sizes.
  10. key [ string ]
    Associate key with newly created video It is added to recorder to set which key should the video be saved under.
  11. maxuploadingheight [ int ]
    Default current: auto Maximal allowed height of uploaded video
  12. maxuploadingwidth [ int ]
    Default current: auto Maximal allowed width of uploaded video
  13. meta-profile [ string ]
    Specify key or token for meta profile (optional) Meta profile lets you specify which meta actions (like audio transcription / visual analysis) should be taken once video is recorded
  14. microphone-volume [ float ]
    Default current: 1 Microphone volume gain
  15. minuploadingheight [ int ]
    Default current: auto Minimal allowed height of uploaded video
  16. minuploadingwidth [ int ]
    Default current: auto Minimal allowed width of uploaded video
  17. noaudio [ bool ]
    Default current: false Disable recording any sound By setting this parameter, only video data will be recorded -- all audio will be removed.
  18. preview-effect-profile [ string ]
    If applied to recorder, it specifies the effect profile that should be played back in preview after recording
  19. recordingheight [ int ]
    Default current: auto Resolution height of the recording This is the resolution of the recording itself. Lower resolutions mean faster uploads. Recommended: set to maximum recording resolution indicated in your Video Profiles set up (e.g. HD Video Profiles set to HD).
  20. recordingwidth [ int ]
    Default current: auto Resolution width of the recording This is the resolution of the recording itself. Lower resolutions mean faster uploads. Recommended: set to maximum recording resolution indicated in your Video Profiles set up (e.g. HD Video Profiles set to HD).
  21. selectfirstcovershotonskip [ bool ]
    Default current: false Automated covershot creation when skip is clicked. When the gallery of snapshots is shown and the person that had recorded the video clicks on skip button and this option is set as true, it will cause the very first frame to be used as cover image.
  22. source [ string ]
    URL to your own media that you want to show This option allows you to specify your own location of the videos and then have them played back from the same location. For best experience we still recommend using videos from your Ziggeo storage, however with this option it is completely up to you.
  23. stream [ string ]
    Stream token or key Useful for video player only. Lets you specify the exact stream to run in your player -- or a particular video effect.
  24. timelimit [ int ]
    Default current: 0 Maximum video length Limits duration of video to ensure videos are recorded within specific timeframe (and not over). Limit is specified in seconds.
  25. timeminlimit [ int ]
    Default current: 0 Minimum video length If video length should be at least some minimum amount of time, use this parameter. The value presented refers to number of seconds the video should last.
  26. transcript-language [ string ]
    Default current: en-US Select language for audio transcription. By default the audio transcription is done for English language only. Use 'auto' for auto-detection of language instead. This rquires meta profile to be set up and applied for it to be considered.
  27. video [ string ]
    Video token or key When adding a token, add it as is. When adding a key, add an underscore ( _ ) in front of it first (even if your key starts with one), e.g. if your key is 'my_key' -- add it as '_my_key' when adding it to video attribute.
  28. video-profile [ string ]
    Specify key or token for video profile (optional) Video profiles specify your own SD or HD resolution -- and ensure transcodings are prepared with the indicated resolution. If you are specifying a key, add an underscore before its name in this parameter, otherwise if it is token, add it as it is. Purpose: in recorder it tells our servers which profile to apply to recorded video -- and in player it indicates which profile to use for playback.
  29. videobitrate [ int ]
    Default current: auto Overwrite the automatic video bitrate in kbs
  1. Operational parameters 73/73

    The list of parameters shown will allow you to modify how your embedding works or behaves

    It is always fun changing how things work. Especially if you can do it easily and have it happen in style. All of the parameters here allow you to do just that.

    It might be something as simple as showing multiple videos in a list. It could also be something complex, yet so easy to set up as screen recording combined with your camera.

  2. addstreamminheight [ int ]
    Default current: 95 Specify the minimal height of the additional stream embedding This must be a number. Note: Do not add 'px' or other text behind number.
  3. addstreamminwidth [ int ]
    Default current: 120 Specify the minimal width of the additional stream embedding This must be a number. Note: Do not add 'px' or other text behind number.
  4. addstreampositionheight [ int ]
    Default current: 95 Specify the width of the additional stream embedding This must be a number. Note: Do not add 'px' or other text behind number.
  5. addstreampositionwidth [ int ]
    Default current: 120 Specify the width of the additional stream embedding This must be a number. Note: Do not add 'px' or other text behind number.
  6. addstreampositionx [ int ]
    Default current: 5 Specify the position where the additional stream should be embedded at on the x-axis This must be a number. Note: Do not add 'px' or other text behind number.
  7. addstreampositiony [ int ]
    Default current: 5 Specify the position where the additional stream should be embedded at on the y-axis This must be a number. Note: Do not add 'px' or other text behind number.
  8. addstreamproportional [ bool ]
    Default current: true Add stream-in-stream with proportional aspect-ratio
  9. airplay [ bool ]
    Default current: false Allow Airplay
  10. allowcancel [ bool ]
    Default current: false Allows user to cancel the upload of a video
  11. allowcustomupload [ bool ]
    Default current: true Allow uploading of any files This allows you to use your embedding to upload any type of file, even if it is not recognized as video.
  12. allowedextensions [ array ]
    Permitted video file extensions that users can upload (optional)
  13. allowmultistreams [ bool ]
    Default current: false Allow the user to include multiple streams in one video, e.g. screen recording and camera
  14. allowpip [ bool ]
    Default current: false Allow user to activate picture-in-picture playback
  15. allowrecord [ bool ]
    Default current: true Allow recording to be made with your customer's web cam through the embedding
  16. allowscreen [ bool ]
    Default current: false Allow screen recording instead of via camera (experimental, Firefox, Chrome and Opera only)
  17. allowtexttrackupload [ bool ]
    Default current: false Allow users to upload subtitles
  18. allowtrim [ bool ]
    Default current: false Allow user to trim the video after recording Allow user to trim time from the start and/or end of video after recording. Trimming will be skipped if the video format is not supported by the browser.
  19. allowupload [ bool ]
    Default current: true Allow uploading of custom user videos through your embedding If by some chance your customers do not have web cam, you can always let them slide by giving them the option to upload some existing video instead.
  20. application [ string ]
    Overwrite default application token Lets you use one general application token on your page as well as another token for this specific embedding.
  21. audio [ string ]
    Audio token or key You can either specify the token or a key that represents your audio media. Please remember to add underscore if you are using keys before the key name.
  22. audio-test-mandatory [ bool ]
    Default current: false Test microphone before recording
  23. autoplay [ bool ]
    Default current: false Automatically start video playback Starts video playback as soon as player loads -- it’s the ideal option for making videos play once page loads or after the embedding has been created
  24. camerafacefront [ bool ]
    Default current: false Should the front face camera be used This option allows you to set up the embedding to use front facing camera
  25. chromecast [ bool ]
    Default current: false Allow Chromecast
  26. createthumbnails [ bool ]
    Default current: false Creates thumbnails of recorded/uploaded video
  27. delete-old-streams [ bool ]
    Delete old streams after re-recording
  28. disablepause [ bool ]
    Default current: false Disables pausing in the player
  29. disableseeking [ bool ]
    Default current: false Disables seeking in the player
  30. filesizelimit [ int ]
    Limit size of uploaded videos (in bytes -- no limit by default) 0 sets it to no limit, while any number will represent bytes at which time you want to forbid the size. 1 MB = 1024 * 1024 bytes, so a limit of 20MB would be 20*1024*1024 = 20,971,520, which would be written as 20971520.
  31. flashincognitosupport [ bool ]
    Default current: false Allow access to camera in incognito / private sessions Useful when embedding is opened within Incognito or Private windows - when otherwise the camera would not be able to record.
  32. force-overwrite [ bool ]
    Default current: true Overwrite videos with existing keys If the video with same key already exist, you can still overwrite it by specifying this parameter. It allows you to avoid accidental overwrites and have a better control of what happens with your videos.
  33. forceflash [ bool ]
    Default current: false Forces flash to be used for recording and playback Even if your headers are set to use WebRTC the embedding with this parameter will ignore it and use flash instead.
  34. forcerefresh [ bool ]
    Default current: false
  35. framerate-warning [ bool ]
    Default current: false Show a performance warning when framerate is under this threshold.
  36. initialseek [ float ]
    Default current: 0 Initially seek to a position in the video
  37. lazy-application [ bool ]
    Allow an application to be defined after the embeddings are initialized
  38. loop [ bool ]
    Default current: false Loop video playback indefinitely Setting this parameter will cause your player to loop the video (video starts once it finishes) for infinite loop.
  39. loopall [ bool ]
    Default current: false Loop video playlist indefinitely Setting this parameter will cause your player to loop the playlist.
  40. manual-upload [ bool ]
    Default current: false Trigger the uploading of a selected video file manually This will cause your embedding to allow file to be selected, however it will not start the upload itself. To start the upload, call the `embedding.upload();` method (see Callable Methods for more).
  41. manualsubmit [ bool ]
    Default current: false User manual submission Provide the user an option to confirm the submission of their video by clicking a button.
  42. noflash [ bool ]
    Default current: false Force embedding not to use flash Makes the embedding show error if it can not use anything other than flash and it is set to use WebRTC.
  43. onlyaudio [ bool ]
    Default current: false Only record audio, no video.
  44. orientation [ string ]
    Default current: auto Force particular device orientation on mobile ('portrait' or 'landscape')
    • portrait When video height is bigger than video width
    • landscape When video width is bigger than video height
  45. outsource-selectors [ string ]
    Add possibility to move camera and mic selection outside of recorder
    • cam-* Set the camera selector id, div for radio option, select element for selection
    • mic-* Set the microphone selector id, div for radio option, select element for selection
    • [type=] 'select'/'radio'; For camera/mic selection; default 'select' element
    • [showCapabilities=] true/false; If browser supports (Chrome do) show camera capabilities; default: true
    • [disabled=] true/false; If there is only one option for selection will be set disabled.; default: true
    • [className=] any string value; Class name(-s) you want to add to the selector
    Selectors should start with cam-* or/and mic-*. Useful with skipinitial option which will get access to the devices sooner. Examples: 'cam-my-own-id-selector;mic-my-own-id-selector' or more options: cam-my-own-id-selector[type='select',disabled=false,showCapabilities=true];mic-my-own-id-selector[type='radio',className='class1 class2 etc']
  46. cpu-friendly [ bool ]
    Default current: false Will use low CPU of the computer, which could cause low quality of the video. Will use low CPU of the computer, which could cause low quality of the video.
  47. media-orientation [ string ]
    Will allow record only provided option landscape or portrait mode
    • landscape Camera has to be on landscape mode.
    • portrait Camera has to be on portrait mode.
    Will allow record only provided option landscape or portrait mode
  48. pausable [ bool ]
    Default current: false Allow user to pause the recording
  49. pauseonplay [ bool ]
    Default current: false Pause playback when another video is being played back
  50. playermodeifexists [ bool ]
    Default current: false Run recorder in player mode if video already exists If you provide a key or token of existing video, the recorder will become a player instead if this is set to true.
  51. playfullscreenonmobile [ bool ]
    Default current: false Automatically play fullscreen on mobile devices
  52. playlist [ array ]
    Default current: auto Allows you to create a video playlist Allows you to add multiple video tokens which are turned into playlist where one video plays after another automatically
  53. pauseonclick [ bool ]
    Default current: true Pause video when user clicks on player if the video is playing
  54. playonclick [ bool ]
    Default current: true Play video when user clicks on player if the video is paused
  55. playwhenvisible [ bool ]
    Default current: false Automatically play video once it becomes visible
  56. visibilityfraction [ float ]
    Default current: 0.8 Define when player will automatically start to play video Define in percentage, what part of the player has to be visible player start automatically start to play video
  57. preload [ bool ]
    Default current: false Preload media data Instead of loading the media such as video on click, you can start loading it as soon as page opens. This way your video playback, especially of higher resolutions or longer times begins instantly.
  58. screenrecordmandatory [ bool ]
    Default current: false Make screen recording mandatory Make screen recording mandatory for the user.
  59. preroll [ bool ]
    Default current: false Should ad be prerolled?
  60. preventinteraction [ bool ]
    Default current: false Prevent user interaction after some time in the player Shows the player, however makes it impossible for someone to click to pause or seek through. Useful in workflows or environments where you want to play the video like in video theaters, background video setups, exams and alike.
  61. recordermode [ bool ]
    Default current: true Turns the ziggeorecorder embedding into recorder Recorder can be used as re-recorder or recorder. With this parameter we set it to be recorder only.
  62. recordings [ int ]
    Default current: auto Limit number of recordings Specifies number of times someone is able to (re-)record before the video is considered as finalized.
  63. rerecordable [ bool ]
    Default current: auto Allows embedding to be used as re-recorder Sets if re-recordings can be made. This is true by default for recorders/capture embeddings and by default false for players/viewer embeddings.
  64. rerecordableifexists [ bool ]
    Default current: true Allow to re-record video if it already exists By default if you use a recorder that is set with rerecording options it will allow you to rerecord over it. If you set this parameter as false, it will not allow you to take a new video over existing one.
  65. showaddstreambutton [ bool ]
    Default current: false Enable the end-user to select multiple streams in one video, e.g. screen recording and camera
  66. simulate [ bool ]
    Default current: false Simulate recording experience without actually recording it Lets your community record a test video that's not saved -- or use it for custom testing while developing video recording events locally.
  67. snapshotfrommobilecapture [ bool ]
    Default current: false Let user pick a snapshot from mobile video capture
  68. snapshotfromuploader [ bool ]
    Default current: false Let user pick a snapshot from uploaded video files
  69. trimoverlay [ bool ]
    Default current: true Define if embedding should show trimming overlay or not when allowtrim is set to true.
  70. uploadlocales [ array ]
    Default current: auto Specify which locales can be uploaded This can be used to allow only specific translations to be uploaded. For example: `[{lang: 'en', label: 'English'}, {lang: 'de', label: 'Deutsch'}]` would allow English and Deutsch language files to be uploaded.
  71. volume [ float ]
    Default current: 1 You can use this to set the volume of your video when playback starts With '0' as a value you would have muted video and with '1' you would have 100% sound volume.
  72. webrtconmobile [ bool ]
    Default current: false Set WebRTC to be used on mobile device instead of native camera app Might not yet be supported on all devices however generally gives you much more control and is part of the page.
  73. webrtcstreaming [ bool ]
    Default current: false Set WebRTC Streaming on your embedding Allows you to override the setting for a specific embedding regardless of the application wide setup.
  74. fittodimensions [ bool ]
    Default current: false Fix precisely to recordingwidth and recordingheight even if not supported natively
  1. Data parameters 4/4

    Want to save some data?

    Ziggeo accepts more than just media. We know that sometimes key+words might be just the right thing you needed. All of the parameters here allow you to add your data in one format or the other.

  2. custom-data [ json ]
    Default current: auto Custom data associated with newly created video This accepts any amount of desired data next to the video as long as the data is saved in proper JSON format.
  3. description [ string ]
    Video description (optional) Saves any notes or description related to a video.
  4. tags [ array ]
    Tags (keywords) to associate with newly created video Since you can use tags to do searches through index() function this is an ideal way to help you find the video in both the administration panel and through code.
  5. title [ string ]
    Video title (optional) This is saved next to video as its title, letting you easily obtain the value at a later time. Some themes might also use and display this for you.
  1. Security parameters 3/3

    Various parameters that help with with AAA aspect of your app (Accounting Authorization Authentication)

    Security in the online world is very important. Because of that we have prepared some parameters that help you with the same yet allow you to use them in the way you prefer or see as fit.

  2. client-auth [ string ]
    Client-Side Authorization Token In the event your setup requires tokens to function, place the token locally generated by one of the Server Side SDKs.
  3. expiration-days [ int ]
    Default current: auto After how many days should video automatically be deleted? (disabled by default) Setting 0 indicates videos may only be deleted manually; setting it to x number of days means Ziggeo’s system will automatically delete videos after the specified number of days.
  4. server-auth [ string ]
    Default current: auto Server-Side Authorization Token In the event your setup requires tokens to function, place the token generated by one of the Server Side SDKs -- or one created manually -- here
  1. Form / HTML parameters 2/2

    Various parameters that make it easier to work with forms and HTML

    We know, sometimes you need a way to make things work in combination with the form elements on your page. Maybe you are not allowed adding JavaScript events, or you prefer not to. Regardless of the reason, we have few parameters here, yet helpful for most common scenarios.

  2. form-accept [ string ]
    Default current: auto Only allow form submission (css selector) if video has been recorded Ziggeo will prevent the submission of the specified form as long as no video has been recorded / uploaded.
  3. input-bind [ string ]
    Bind video token to form input field by given name Once the video is recorded, the SDK will search for a form field with this name and copy the token into the field.